Dark Natter


Jon Richter and Liam Martin Season 3 Episode 56

DOOM, one of the greatest video games of all time, has already cemented its place in the Hall Of Pain... but Liam and Jon had no idea how far the ancient horror classic could still be pushed. MyHouse.WAD was a custom level released by a mysterious mapper in 2023 that at first glance appears to be nothing more than a cute rendering of a house, posted in memory of a dead friend... but like the house in the literary behemoth that inspired this ingenious creation, there is a LOT more waiting inside......

Download MyHouse.WAD here: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/134292-myhousewad/

Get your claws on Jon's latest fantasy novel here: https://shorturl.at/HuYQO

Trying this new fangled Fan Mail feature: use this link to send us a message! If it's nice (or horrible but funny) we'll read it out on the show!