Dark Natter
Dark Natter is the podcast where your favourite works of horror and other dark fiction are sliced, diced and dissected for forensic analysis! Enter the Hall Of Pain, where creepy custodians Jon Richter (dark fiction writer and video game developer) and Liam Martin (dark fiction connoisseur and professional video game writer) will guide you through a fun and usually downright daft examination of your favourite sinister creations.
Dark Natter
Halloween special: the Saw Goreology!!!
We watched them so you don't have to. And because we're insane. In celebration of Halloween in prior years, we've slogged through some pretty patchy franchises (Halloween, Friday 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street) but this was the sloggiest of gore-drenched slogs through a cesspit of human cruelty... but are any of the TEN Saw movies actually decent? Tune in to find out!!